The Misadventures of David and Sam is a thoroughly wholesome comedy about two brother farmers, Sam and David, and their gran telling you a story of what happens when Sam finds his pet Cow, Daisy, is missing.
I can imagine this being pitched somewhere as a perfect show for kids, which it is, but it’s a comedy for everyone. Although with the speed the comedy goes at the youngest kids may miss a lot of the humour. Our audience had people of all ages who you could tell were having a great time.
The show is as silly as the set up suggests, with plenty of silly wigs, audience participation and more than a few magic tricks. And from the start the jokes come quick and fast. But don’t be fooled by the premise of this. The writers and director are comic geniuses and have created well-crafted organised chaos which is a delight to watch.
The show rests on the performers and their ability to connect with the audience which they did from the outset. The energetic brothers and commanding gran bring everyone along with them on this absurd family journey. It’s so difficult to get comedy right, especially physical comedy, but these talented individuals certainly did get this right.
Performing in the Pit Theatre at the Vaults they make full use of the limited space. With just two banners as set they use every trick available to evoke where they are with multiple props, even managing a long journey through wind, rain and snow. It’s impressive how much they were able to do.
These Misadventures are billed as entertainment for the whole family and it’s the most accurate advertising we’ve seen for a while. You can’t fail to be charmed and it's one of those rare comedies that people of all ages can enjoy without any need to resort to innuendo. It’s entirely wholesome, entirely silly and entirely hilarious. We only managed to see the last performance at this venue but we hope more audiences get to enjoy this in the future. We give this 4 stars.